
#psychology #philosophy # religion # culture # sociology #times & eras

religion, its all connected.

throughout  history, religion, which has its roots in paganism, has been a social construct between societies, cultures, & tribes. religion & paganism was created through human innovation & creativity in the realm of culture shared between groups of people. religion in modern times, has its newer scripts or older scripts of philosophy & practices, yet is & has been used for both higher & lower conscious objectives, such as, giving meaning to life, sacred practices, traditions, & organizing people harmoniously. also, religion has been used to colonize, weaponize, & for power & control reasons over people, cultures, resources, & dominance over regions & land. some religion used in recent & ancient history, has been manipulative. the hijacking of certain religions used for political, cultural, & or ethnic power & rule, that have a new meaning or for power & rule.

i’m no longer a unitarian universalist because the religion of religions has been hijacked by the clown car of liberal democrats, it is not the religion it was over a decade ago.

i’m simply a spiritual pantheist & princess creatrix of cosmos & nature.

religion has been a dominating theme in the age of pisces, which rules religion as a whole (all branches of religions). there have been more wars fought in the name of religion, than any other reason. millions of people have died in religious wars through different regions of the world throughout time. religion is most often intrinsically tied with other religions & cultures (whether harmonious or not). within philosophy, religion, & paganism, it is all connected throughout the world, as with everything living on the planet.  religion has been a harmonizing force & a destructive force.

its all connected.

its all connected ~!~


ancient civilizations

poem on religion

many religions & paganism throughout time has been used to colonize, weaponize, slave trade,  dominate & control  peoples, cultures, & regions for eons of time.

a recent historical example is in the region of the middle east. in an era within an age, the persian empire ruled, the kingdom was a point of power, control, & dominance  throughout the region & different regions of the world. zoroastrianism was the prominent religion of that time. later, islamic faith ruled the region (which was an innovative branch of religion from zoastrianism & some other religions), & islam was spread throughout the region & other regions.

zoroatrianism was the first known “religion”. before zoastrianism there was arabic pre-islamic paganism throughout the middle east & surrounding regions, such as: arabic druidic paganism, aramaic paganism, & sumerian paganism.

the arab’s first holy land was what is known now as modern day petra. many arabs fled the earthquake in the region. they migrated south to the arabian peninsula & set up new holy lands, first in kufa, then medina & north in damascus, then in mecca, that is the history of the islamic religion.

many different peoples & cultures have been convinced & converted, assimilated, or conquered through regional dominance, slave trade, or wars, through other religions & cultures, over & over & over again. thus, much of culture, people, & biologies have been shared, infused, assimilated, & colonized. the peoples of nations, empires, & cultures are intrinsically separate & connected.

religion within religion.

most religions have branches, within branches of the branches of religion. such as different branches of islam & different branches of christianity. within the branches, within the branches, within the branches of religion, there has been religious infighting, such as sunni & shia muslims, & christians & catholics, & fighting outside of their own religions, such as muslims & christians. all fighting is fought with great self righteousness. men have created such wars for eons of time.

religion & culture

religion itself, at times, has been dominated & taken over by other cultures of people that had different religious, paganistic, or cultural affiliations, before being converted, assimilated, & colonized by certain dominating religions, that then dominated with the religion converted or assimilated into, the very religious culture that dominated them before. a form of religious cultural appropriation, yet out of being colonized or converted into the very religion, they used to dominate.

in other instances, certain religions & people of different cultures & ethnic backgrounds, simply converted, assimilated & or conquered, onto & into, other cultures.

so many religions have always been extraordinarily illusive, just as all of the social constructs constructed in the third dimensional matrix of systems throughout the world.

religion, trends, times, & eras

religion & paganism throughout time, in certain eras within ages of history,  have re-evaluated their philosophies, religious scripts, scrolls, indoctrinations, institutions, & social construct organizations. some branches of  branches of branches of religion have diverted from some of the older traditions in their religions, & some have remained traditional, this is one of the reasons for religious infighting & fighting among other religions. the differences of progression & conservation. in the age of pisces, this dualism within religion, along with all other aspects of dualism of social constructs, has been rather illusive, mindless, & ignorant to some degree. there is an intelligence & harmony between mindful progress & intelligent conservation in religions, that has not so much unfurled in the age of pisces, as pisces is the sign of dualism. what is trendy on the cat walk of religion now, will not be in future time, & so on & so on. nothing stays the same, everything changes & religion is a form of science, rooted in paganism. religion as with other sciences, is young, & needs time, space, exploration & experimentation to evolve.

religion, separatism & unity

the religions of recent ancient history, have had their separations within their branches of certain religions, diversions from the more traditional ways, this was the beginning of the kali  yuga age of pisces, a long time ago. this is still prevalent today at the tail end of the age of pisces on the cusp of the beginning age of aquarius. much separatism, yet also a unifying within the separatism (spaces in the togetherness) for cohesive regional peace or cooperation. that is the cusp era of pisces & aquarius, & will be the similar energy for 600 years. in future time, religion as a philosophy, will be much more unified with less duality & more polarity, along with the progression of science, which will be a dominant force in the first new moon decedent of the age of aquarius in 600 years.

religion & science

on the cusp era of aquarius & pisces, there will still be much illusion, chaos, & unsustainability, in religions. the dynamic illusions will conquer for a time, seemingly more unified religions coming together under false pretenses, short term goals, egoic gain, & may be a failure of unsustainability of religion in the near future of the cusp age. a curse of evil & ignorance may prevail due to veiled illusions, infantile self service & or ignorance. religions, just with every other sector & realm of societies around the world coinciding & acting on illusions, power, & control, anchoring to illusive indoctrination. the cusp era is always full of illusions, fake harmony, disharmony, chaotic, & destructive, unsustainable energy & will be a potent force of ignorance for awhile.

perhaps in the satya yuga age of aquarius in 600 years, wholistic religion & science will reign in harmony with evolved intelligence & future sustainability.

religious intolerance tied with mass immigration & migrations

because of certain countries regimes, corruption,  poverty, violence, war resource depletion & climate crisis, different cultures of people are migrating within the borders of different cultures of people. this is causing great disharmony in some countries who keep their borders open for migrations of people.  cultural loss & cultural intolerance is disharmonious. systems will have to change to integrate in an intelligent & harmonious way or close their borders if dire need to keep the country safe.

a thought on religious tolerance on this topic.

let orthodoxic christian women where their head scarves, don’t mess with babushka’s head scarves, let women of certain christian faiths wear their veils, let catholic women wear their veils & coifs, let islamic women wear their hijabs, let modest fashionistas wear fashion scarves, let women who want to cover their faces to not be surveilled by the ttnwo do so.

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