tulip vagina

# princess # petite # my purple tulip vagina # sacred fem # my vagina love

I wrote a post about my princess physique. it was a self love post about myself & my sacred physical being. https://darbisuedunbar.wordpress.com/2018/10/06/goddess-form/

this post is also a self love post, about my petite tulip vagina. I love my petite tulip vagina. my vagina smells like nothing, lavender, or a little irony when on my menstral cycle. this is my anti vagina shaming post.

I think people need better education about female reproductive consciousness, in a political sense, a medical sense, a social conscious sense, & a sexual sense.

more about vaginas



no matter what women’s unique body types are (ever evolving), out of the women’s body types, doshic, chakras, & physiology,  women’s vaginas are as unique, cyclic, & evolving. there is no match to different body types & vaginas. its quite random. i’m a tri doshic skittle body type with a tulip vagina.

just as I would not want to be anyone other than my own spirit, mind, heart, soul, emotions, & physical form, I would not want to have any other type of vagina other than my own. i’m very self loving. I wouldn’t want to have a Barbie vagina, I love my purple tulip Darbi vagina.

the advantages of having a tulip vagina

psychology of the tulip vagina in natural state. needing full connection spirit, mind, soul, emotions, physical. delights in tantric experiences. non promiscuous due to smaller vagina & vaginal canal. deeper vaginal canal,  thus may be less open & loose toward superficiality & sexuality. authentic sexual connections matter to tulip psychology, as opposed to inauthentic, non sensuous, mental & emotional manipulation for ego gain, male attention & attempted procreation. tulip psychology is about intimacy, connection, sensuality, tantric sex  & sophisticated procreation(the princess), not manipulation, inauthenticity, non sensuous, non true intimacy, superficiality & procreation competition (having as many babies as a woman can) (the queen)

in other words tulip vagina psychology in natural state is about quality, larger enclosed vaginas are about quantity.

what does vaginal psychology in a natural state mean? it means a woman who has not been traumatized sexually or physically in any way.

women who have been traumatized sexually or physically may hold trauma within,  no matter their physiology. women deal with sexual or physical abuse differently.

the physical abuse I had endured as a child & teenager was harsh discipline, however, my boundaries were severely crossed.

in my late teenage years, through my twenties & thirties, I was traumatized by sexually aggressive men in some instances. repeating patterns of having my boundaries crossed in an aggressive way, in essence repeating the patterns of my childhood & teenage trauma. I have been a woman who has been taken advantage of & timid toward men who were aggressive, thus I was submissive as to not be abused in some way.

smaller, petite, & tighter (the tulip vagina is a smaller vagina)

smaller, tighter,& wetter instead of larger, looser, & drier

small pubis, small vulva, pea size clitoris, small thin clitoral hood, smaller labia, smaller vagina, smaller vaginal canal.  vaginal labia (petals) looks like a purple tinted symmetrical tulip with two purplish  petals in perfect symetry & when opened to the full glory, an orchid, thus resembling a small flower.

petals are more protective against bacteria from entering the vagina

wetter & cleaner during cyclic phases (self cleaning mechanism is on point & less prone to infections, diseases, & infertility ) thus, healthier fertility & way less chance of bacteria, infectious diseases, infertility, still births, & complications of birth defects in offspring, whether, mental/emotional or physical.

tulip vaginas smell better, because not super enclosed

both ms. curtains (which I call the iris vagina) & the tulip vagina are either non fragrant or more fragrant (in a good way) like blooming flowers. when ovulating & in season, perfume of lavender, floral, & gardenia is scented.  there is little enclosure, thus no odor or foulness like the more enclosed vaginas may have at times.

more sensual vagina. more sensitive & sensual to touch, because not super enclosed, thus more arousal. when aroused & sensualized to touch, swelling, like a flower blooming in twilight during a full moon before the morning dew.

tastes better, because of cleaner vagina (of course this depends on a woman’s cycle, no one likes the taste of blood or after menstruation, unless they are a vampire or like the taste of iron.

clear, thinner & stickier secretion ( healthy fertility)

glitter secretions (no color) with no scent or ovulation floral scent = healthy vagina

iris & tulip vaginas are the healthiest vaginas

have knowledge & wisdom about female psychology, wellness, & matters of the feminine, of being a feminine woman who loves the yin in life, such as, the essence of feminine wisdom, love, nurturing, nature, feminine arts & crafts, feminine dance, beauty, fashion, style, the essence that is life. i’m yin, yet my sexual being as a whole & attraction is to men.

osho quotes on women

lovers, kindred spirits, soulmates, & twine flames

as for men, i’m drawn in by, a certain type of man, I have a physical type that i’m attracted to.  my ideal type of man physically.  taller, darker hair & eyes, handsome, manly man. on men’s anatomy, i’m  attracted to a larger size penis, that of 7 inches at least. i’m also partial to men with a purple tint to their penis, as my tulip  vagina has a purplish tint. I love penis, I worship the large stalk.

poem about sex   I like decorating large stalks in my bloom with healthy sex glitter.

living in the new cycle

living in the new cycle # writing  # michigan # climate change

i remember when i was little & growing up, i loved the seasons in michigan. i loved the winter & spring particularly. through the years, living at the house that i grew up in as a teenager & where i live now, i loved being a part of the nature & seasons here. i loved watching the wildlife & i paid close attention to the weather patterns, seasons, & cycles. i was very in tune with nature here in michigan. i remember, around my birthday, the last day in febuary, the temperatures would start to warm, the snow would start to melt, freezing rain would turn the land into a crystal world, & on warmer days, the icicles looked as if they were crying as winter was ending. through march, was rainy season, with occasional freezing rain & snow showers. frozen ice covered the branches of trees & the ground. everything looked like an ice land. i remember the violent thunderstorms at the end of march going into april. through april, was rain throughout the month, with one blizzard or so that would blow through. in mid of april, the earth would start to speak. the growth beneath the earth where the roots were silent during winter & communicated during late febuary & march, began to spring forward beneath the ground, tangling & untangling their magic mystery, then in mid april, the composting leaves would begin to be devoured from the roots beneath the earth, thus the earth began to communicate, i could hear this process, & see the earth move with all sorts of earth insects. the soil’s richness from the rain, would produce small green buds sporadically mixed in with the decomposing leaves. late april, small green buds began to sprout on the trees, & everything was beginning to bloom. new life was making way, the wildlife would return, from their winter slumber, the birds would return from their trip south, the squirrels & deer would feast. the mid of may, full bloom & life would be emerged in the forest. sun, small rain showers, & an even keeled breeze would blow through the trees, not to cold or warm.  soft, white, fluffy pollen would disperse from the trees, the flying insects, lady bugs, bees, hornets, butterflies, stick bugs, would be alive everywhere, the song birds would sing their morning melody. the nights in may would be like a magic fairy tale forest, a soft breeze, with the soft white fluffy pollen floating through the air, like small clouds, the lightning bugs glimmering the trees like falling stars, & the moon peaking through the trees. this scenery would intensify through summer, as in a midnight summer dream. the end of august would bring about the full foliage of trees draping around the house like a canopy, the nights would become cooler, & the first sign of autumn was in the air. through september, the sun was still awake, & the air was crisp, the end of september the leaves began to change color. through october, every day was a spectacular event of color on the trees, mid of october, was an art display of full color, then the air would cool, & the leaves would begin to crisp & fall, as if swaying in the wind at the end of their glory. the end of october, half of the leaves were on the trees, & the other half of the leaves were on the ground & the wild flowers were dead, no longer welcoming the insects to visit & the days became shorter. half of the birds flew south, & half of the birds were still around, foraging & practicing their flight for warmer climate. november, only the crows, falcons & eagles were around, singing their praises of death. the mid of november, would start to be colder, the grey skies would hover down like a depressing gloom, the first snow would fall like a wispy melody & the branches of the trees would be bare, as if they were the roots of the trees reaching toward the sky swaying & dancing with each other, tangling & untangling their magic mystery, welcoming winter with the november winds. everything in the forest became more visible, all of the wild life foraging for the winter, as if a blizzard was about to arrive. the rustling of leaves, & communication between the wildlife, became more evident. sure enough, toward the end of november, the snow would fall as if raining, blanketing everything in ceremony. through december,  grey, cold, snowy days, mild snow & snow storms. the end of december, around the winter solstice the black sky was filled with stars, the sky looked like a hologram, as if one could reach up & touch the stars. the snow fell to the ground gracefully & everything seemed still. through january the temperatures were freezing, everyday seemed like dusk, the polar winds would bare down with heavy pressure, as in a polar vortex & a never ending blizzard, the sun didn’t shine until mid febuary. mid of febuary, the temperatures were below freezing, everyday seemed like twilight, with glimpses of sunshine. the blustering winds would calm, & the snowy days would continue. febuary was like a winter wonderland, lavender skies, grey lake effect clouds low to the ground, large lace snowflakes in perfect symmetry dancing in the sky, & the peering of the sun from the clouds, would make the wonderland shimmer like a glimmering snow globe. the land would be silent, & all one would hear were the footsteps of  deer. late febuary, the temperature began to warm, some of the shimmering snow would begin to melt, days of freezing rain would ensue, turning everything into an ice land. the end of febuary was as if living in a glimmering crystal world with everything turned to ice, & large icicles adorning everything. into march some days were a crystal world, & some days everything would be melting, the music of water, is all one could hear, as if crying winters end & nourishing the earth for new life. the mid of march, the rain storms would come, spring was in the air, & the roots of the trees would begin to tangle & untangle their magic mystery.

after years of not living in the yearly cycles of michigan, i’m getting used to the new seasons & cycles, tuning myself into the new natural cycles & acclimating.

the new cycles & seasons of michigan have changed, dramatically.

febuary & march, winter, april, & most of may is more like winter/spring. spring is in the air in mid may now, as it used to be in mid march. june, july, & august is more like late spring/summer. september, october, & november more like late summer/early fall (sunny & warm). december & january late fall/early winter.

this spring living in the forest, it is much more lush & grown than before, there are many more insects, different kinds of birds, that weren’t here before & more wildlife. the deer are more plentiful & healthy.


what will the future be like?

what will the future be like # psychology # sociology # society # quantum world

just read the article “the omnipresent surveillance state”  https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-11/omnipresent-surveillance-state-orwells-1984-no-longer-fiction


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveillance  ( psychotic, ignorant, orwellian surveillance state, makes for a psychologically unstable society) the omnipresent surveillance state is the worst thing for the psychological health of society.  it is the incitement of FEAR that causes for an ill mindedness in the world. it is the culture of FEAR. it is one of the causes of world wars.



just read all of the articles on quantum future news.


just read all of the articles about climate change, & what the world will be like in the near future in the world news.

worldwide (these things are already happening on a global scale & are bound to get worse.) i’m not an optimist or pessimist, i’m a realist.

bad scenarios that are happening in the world (technocratic totalitarian globalization)

the omnipresent surveillance state. police state. militant law enforcement. laser weapons & other darpa technology. emf interrogation. electric technocratic grid prison. (5g) cyber war. cyber & power grid blackouts. mass brainwashing & unconscious participation.(politically, mentally, socially, ) totalitarian technocracy, corporatocracy  & manipulation. culture of fear, where everyone is subjected to psychological, emotional, & or physical interrogation via technocracy. a black mirror society. misinformation. mass manipulation & deep fake, deep state interrogation. ill mob psychologies. group think. extreme divisiveness. no wholistic objective truth. black & white thinking. extremely low consciousness. zoo like societies. massive economic instability & unfairness from the elite technocratic corporatocracy. mining, fracking, & drilling all of earth’s resources, while people are protesting all of the resource extraction going on on the earth, & the climate crisis, the electric prison (5g) will be put in place, more distractions, such as legalization of most illegal drugs to promote distraction of minds & easier control of the masses, & make more room for violent criminals in prisons. corruption. divisiveness. mass violence. no morality. lawlessness. global economy crash. supply & resource shortages. mass poverty & homelessness. massive theft & robbery. chaos. extreme hatred & violence. extreme bacteria & viral diseases (global combination, refugees, sweltering climate & water temperature change) prison camps or executions. cyber, chemical & biological warfare. population control. war refugees & massive migration of climate change refugees. mass climate events (massive tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires & volcanoes)

The following list comes from Truthstream Media, and I think that it does a very good job of translating these new “global goals” into language that we can all understand …

  • Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Translation: Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances, digital one world currency in a cashless society
  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Translation: GMO
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius
  • Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Translation: U.N. propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave
  • Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Translation: Population control through forced “Family Planning”
  • Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Translation: Privatize all water sources, don’t forget to add fluoride
  • Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing
  • Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions
  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Translation: Even more regional government bureaucracy like a mutant octopus
  • Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Translation: Big brother big data surveillance state
  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Translation: Forced austerity
  • Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Translation: Cap and Trade, carbon taxes/credits, footprint taxes
  • Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • Translation: Environmental restrictions, control all oceans including mineral rights from ocean floors
  • Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
  • Translation: More environmental restrictions, more controlling resources and mineral rights
  • Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • Translation: U.N. “peacekeeping” missions (ex 1ex 2), the International Court of (blind) Justice, force people together via fake refugee crises and then mediate with more “U.N. peacekeeping” when tension breaks out to gain more control over a region, remove 2nd Amendment in USA
  • Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
  • Translation: Remove national sovereignty worldwide, promote globalism under the “authority” and bloated, Orwellian bureaucracy of the U.N.

good scenarios that are happening in the world or that could happen in the world

no matter what countries , nations, or pan nations there are in the future, i’m against totalitarian technocratic rule. i’m against a technocratic earth grid.

independent healthy regions within sovereign nations & pan nations protecting the border rights of countries . 

environmentally friendly earth grids within sovereign nations & pan nations (use of free clean resources for healthy independent countries & planet)

individual & healthy group psychology, philosophy, knowledge, wisdom. awakening of consciousness in some. healing. processing conscious reality. empowering in individuals  groups, societies, nations & pan nations . integration into wholeness in some individuals. going within to find the answers. mass un-conditioning of mind control. anti group think of ill & unhealthy mentalities. anti ill mob psychologies.  individuals being their own gurus, even within religions. healthier religions embracing science.  mass individuality & healthy collective. refusal of mind control. individual & collective sustainability & righteous  protection. mass knowledge & information. refusal of global totalitarian  technocracy & new world order. refusal of technocracy & totalitarian corporatocracy.  refusal of omnipresent surveillance governments & other power forces control & corruption. refusal to partake in being mass surveillance. refusal to to partake in smart technology, smart cities, & being grid locked in a 5g emf electric prison. intelligent technology used wholistically that doesn’t violate or harm on any level. intelligent internet laws & regulations (clean internet)  intelligent & healthy strategies for healthy societal building on all realms of governments, societies, & new environmentally friendly earth grid(simply using clean energy resources & healthy promotions of clean energy globally). healthier societal  structures in societies for independence & healthier interdependence within regions in nations & pan nations.  healthy sane human rights to live peacefully without extreme violations of other individuals, groups, societies, & countries .  protection of individual freedoms. ( freedoms for individuals, groups, societies, nations, & countries)intelligent global ban on dirty energy resources & anything harmful on earth(chemicals, pesticides, gmos  etc,  environmentally friendly resources. fairer independent economies. wholistic natural health & preventative medicine. independent & sustainable organic agriculture. environmental preservation. new resources & healthy wholisitc institutions in societies. independent & community living all natural & sustainable lifestyles. eco friendly infrastructure & transportations in countries.  sustainable solutions to climate change, world wide (without a totalitarian technocratic global take over such as agenda 2030). free clean energy. healthy societies & structures within regions within sovereign nations & pan nations. healthy individuals equates to healthy interdependence within regions, within nations & pan nations, which promotes healthy independent nations & pan nations on the planet for healthy interdependence with other independent regions within nations & pan  nations interdependently on the planet.

i’m for population control in a humane way.

i’m for healthy eugenics programs in the medical feild, through education & genetic code evaluation for procreation or not. population control.

the world is overpopulated!  how will population control play out?

the history of the world

the future of the world?

what will the near future of nations & pan nations look like on the planet?  what colors, cultures, & religions of people will be living under these flags, if these national flags still exist? will they be even more independent & sovereign than they are now? more multicultural than they are now? or a little of both? will nations & pan nations live in peace on the planet? will there still be wars? will some regions of these continents be habitable? will some regions of continents & islands still exist due to natural & man made climate change?

“the heart treasure of the enlightened ones” zen wisdom (one of my favorite prophet books)

zen  wisdom

intelligent healthy individuals & close knit groups of intelligent healthy people (if there are such people in the world). stay in solitude. in silence. away from the dissonance. chaos. insane  unconsciousness. to be a part of society/world, connected into the mindlessness, pettiness, ignorance, insanity & violence, forgive them for they do not! know, & not because they deserve forgiveness,  because peace is within, just ignore. to try to find peace with the dissonance & psychopathology of others & the world, or save the world, is of no use, there is no more time! discern wisely, yet do not fear, live within your heart space & create your own sphere & protect your sphere from outside omnipresent insane forces without instilling fear in your sphere.

the hopi elders & their prophecy (i believe in “some” of their prophecies in regard to the destruction of the earth in “some” ways, yet not all of their mythology.

some of their mythology & prophecy i disagree with. i find some ignorance, racism, & fear within some of their prophecy. yet i hold sentiment for all first nations people in protecting the earth & some of their ways.

i agree with the hopi & other native american tribes, in that, all peoples of all colors, cultures, & religions have lost their ways. the spiritual, mental, soul, emotional, physical degradation of the peoples & animals is reflecting on the earth, destroying the earth.

it is the destruction of the planet  that the earth is responding to. a great death & rebirth cycle. the earth “could” be destroyed by war or climate catastrophe during the transition into a new age.

if it doesn’t evolve me



hopi native wisdom

though i believe in lone wolf & wolf pack survival ( i have a more zen serene philosophy) i would rather be alone, than in wrong relations. if i find myself in good relations with new people that i know in the future, then, mindfulness, respect, trust, & honor would be most important to me.

future prophecy


no matter (tpab) the powers at be, of who ever is in charge of worldly orders (worldwide) & (nations or pan nations) there is chaos, because everyone has lost their ways. everyone is to blame for themselves & the earth’s destruction. so many different peoples blame each other, where the cycle of life continues for the peoples, there is the blame.

for those who do not live in healthy harmony in the spirit, mind, soul, emotions, & physical with an equalized chakra system, the heart being the equilibrium point,  have destroyed themselves, each other, & the earth. they are not! cosmic & earth resonant. equilibrium.

there is always great chaos & destruction toward the end of an age & the dawn energy of a new age. no one wants to take responsibility & everything outside of  themselves are to blame.

the flow at the end of an age into a new age is never! easy.   the destruction will continue, in all ways & it will get worse in the cusp age of pisces & aquarius , creative destruction. both pisces & aquarius are dual energy signs! (unconscious & conscious energy)

for some time, there will still be religions, politics, & unhealthy social structures in the world,   some of which  have been evaluating & processing their ways. there has been a time of great suffering, anger, fear & wars, world wide, within that process. such structures of the world will emerge anew, & still be around, though, will have shed some of their old beliefs. they will still remain ignorant for a time, unsustainable, until they embrace wholistic science that will emerge within religions. eventually, wholistic science, sacred culture, & truth may emerge within religions. that is the cusp era of pisces aquairus  . the time of philosophy & science.

protecting my inner serene


addition to the simplistic philosophy

3. I am serene & peaceful most often.

5. the cosmic & earth energy is sacred, there is impurity & evil in animals & people which is not wholly sacred.

11. my words are self intentional & pure intention, meaning “without intention”

12. I  relate in intelligence & serenity,  I try not to relate in defensive lower consciousness

17. I speak the truth objectively, & I speak my truth subjectively, I try to express from my  higher or neutral state of consciousness

23. I communicate with truth & compassion, unless i’m being defensive, then I have no compassion

27. I understand love in the different essences of love, the only love i’m open to is my own love connected to the cosmos & nature.

28. i’m forgiving, if my forgiving is sincere. if I can not forgive someone, they are simply irrelevant to me & my life, i’m an apath.

29. I’m an apath, i’m neutral, yet if I were to be engaged with people I would  trust in the future, & they were sincere & kind, that would be reciprocated

30. I act respectfully of others, even if I don’t respect things about them or respect them all together, unless they are disrespectful toward me, I simply ignore or speak my truth with sophistication, or I may act disrespectful from my lower consciousness out of defense, which I try not to do.

31. I am accepting of myself, wildlife, & nature. there are many things I do not accept in the world & I protect from entering my life sphere.

35. I give blessings  to the cosmos, the great spirit, god, myself, wildlife, & nature

38. I wish men & women to live in intelligent  harmony on earth

39. I am made of star dust & I am made of earth

42. I embrace the cosmos, myself , & nature, I have attunement to the great spirit that flows through the cosmos & nature.

defensive annoyed expression (to things that have happened recently)

my expression when i haven’t read the world news in a month or more, & i read how much crazier the world has become since the last time i read the world news. i don’t want anything to do with that kind of unconsciousness.

(i’m careful with what i read or watch online, i don’t feed my mind junk food of mindlessness, manipulations, misinformation, propaganda, lies, chaos, insanity, violence, the fragmentation of society, the bad things happening in the world & lower conscious frequencies) thus i avoid world news, most often, i avoid media forums, social media newsfeeds, & most of the internet of things. )

my expression when strangers that i barely knew from the past, want to connect with me on social media after i deleted them a few times over the years.

my expression when people try to instill fear in me, online or in life.

my expression when people try to have mindless, meaningless, passive aggressive, or projecting conversations with me that are so irrelevant to me & my life.

my expression when people make very wrong assumptions about me, & that tells me more about them.

my expression when some people want to use me as a projection puppet for all of their unenlightenment, intellectual, mental, emotional, or physical discrepancies, or bear the burden of all of their sins, even if it was something they did to me.

my expression when my wireless keyboard was hacked & the number 7 was typed one thousand times,  yes, the number 7  is mathematical. the number 7 correlates with the crown chakra & all of the chakra points. the number 7 correlates to the frequency of the earth (dhara) . it also has subjective meaning to me, i was born at 727 pm wednesday febuary 28 1979 my birth code (777) which is also an angel of the earth number. 7 is my lucky number in numerology, 7 is my egytian astrology number of goddess Isis, 7 is my mayan numerology of IX jaguar woman of fertility, so that is my personal identification with the number 7. it does not matter what is being manipulated or typed, what matters is my boundaries are being crossed with the “intent to try to manipulate or provoke”. i don’t care who is messing with me, nor am i afraid anymore of empty threats.

my expression when i’m used to ignore, block, delete, on my websites & in my mind with whomever i’m dealing with in life of annoyance & dissonance, yet try to be polite or document what ever it is on my websites or in life.

my expression when my facebook page was coded, & my name was changed for a time then i had to log out, log back in & my name was changed back.

my expression when anytime i’m online on my websites, writing, i start to be messed with, & i don’t care who it is, i don’t go on a prowl to suss it out, i just ignore, block, & delete. i have no reaction, i’m boring.

my expression when my wordpress has been wrought with strange accounts, contacting or following me, & strange messages. one of the messages on one of the pictures of myself discussed russian roulette, i’m not sure if that was a covert death threat. i have been used to many death threats over the years. hunting me down as if its deer season 24/7 total psychopaths especially the ones with criminal records & drug dealers.

my expression when i’m an environmentalist for wildlife, nature & the environment, not so much the people on the environment (besides those i would have close relationships with, which is null in my life, & refugees of war in the middle east). i’m not so much of a people person, though i wish people in general to be peaceful within.

my expression of pure apathy,  see no evil, hear no evil, & try not to express evil words.

my expression when my no, is misunderstood.

my expression when i just want people to leave me alone online & in life.

70% of why people don’t leave me alone online or in life is because i’m alone online & in life, no witnesses around me to take count of their insidious actions.

psychotic deranged men with inferiority complexes, or who felt rejected by me. (read article, “its’s because i’m alone”)

nasty men & women, circus performers who assume things about me, & barley know me

all of these people are strangers, yet, total strangers that stalk & harass me as well.

i understand as an intelligent, truthful, soulful, lovely woman who is a philosopher, writer, & artist with my online websites open to the world,  i have connected with total strangers on some of my websites that have had a mindful, understanding, resonate, respect, & appreciation for me & my philosophy, writings, & creative expressions, & what i share on my online websites, in the past (especially other philosophers in the Osho group that i was a part of). i have also understood, that there have been total strangers, people i barely knew from the past, or knew for a time in the past, that have been curious, (for what ever reason) interested, somewhat resonant & dissonant, or more dissonant & may make assumptions, manipulations, projections, about me & my creative websites. that is their level of consciousness & subjective, perspective realities, that have nothing to do with me, my consciousness level, & perspective subjective reality.  what ever people think about me & my philosophies & creative expressions, is their own consciousness, their own thoughts, their own perspectives, their own feelings, or their own narco/socio/psychopathology. people are entitled to their own being, no matter how skewed & twisted their thoughts & feelings about me & my creativity are. i’m a free thinker, thus i’m the first one to say “think for your selves”. i have also understood that there have been those that are narco/socio/psycopathological that take it to the next level of stalking, harassing, (direct or covert), threatening me, messing with my websites, online & in life. this is when it is not ok with me, i don’t care what people think about me, yet, i have a living right to protect myself from psychopaths. i just ignore, block, delete, document, & call the police if i have to.

my life matters, my safety matters. it is a shame that i have had to take extra precautions in my online & in life sphere, i have had to be vigilant to the point of trusting no one, because of some psychopaths that have been obsessed with harassing me.

i understand as an intelligent, truthful, soulful, lovely woman who is a philosopher, writer, & artist with my online websites open to the world, i have been stalked, harassed, or men thinking i’m an online sex doll, by total strangers (men)  from around the world, people i barely knew, or didn’t so much trust them to get to know me very well, or people i kind of knew for a time in the past will stalk, harass, try to follow or friend me, all of which are strangers that i felt/feel uncomfortable following me. i realized/realize their obsession, fuckery, or hate of me will continue as it has for thirteen years now. this happens to a lot of women who are alone, online & in life, who have websites & books published of philosophy, writing, & creative expressions, who are self owning, self aware, self intelligent, self souled, self feeling, self empowered, self protective & dynamic who refuse to be a circus performer or to be harassed by psychopaths. i just ignore, block, delete, document, & call the police if i have to report a threat or anything suspicious in my life sphere.

statistics show that, shockingly, it is most often family members. i would have no problem reporting family members for stalking, harassing & so forth if such was the case. most often it is family members because they feel they own the woman, know the woman or have known the woman, from their level of consciousness, or have a special privilege to abuse the woman in some way, & that the woman wouldn’t go the measure of reporting if its family. i have no problem putting family through the ringer of the legal system if that was the case. clearly stated.

statistics show, that it is often times bitter, narco/socio/psychopathic men from the woman’s past that barely knew the woman, & felt rejected. thus not only them doing the stalking & harassing but jealous or nasty women who partake, or gang stalking within groups.

all people that i barely knew or knew for a time in the past, are not welcome on my websites or in my life sphere.

I simply do not trust strangers, especially after what I have been through.

my expression when i just want to protect my serenity & privacy, so i avoid people, places, & situations online & in life, as such to protect myself.

dear totalitarian orwellian government, surveillance corporations, privacy raping companies & other psychopaths,

keep my name that may be tied with my private phone number, private address, or anything about my vehicle, out of the public sphere online. i do not! consent to that.
i live in michigan, i’m an independent conservative environmentalist & anti psychotic government, anti democratic socialist totalitarian. i’m not registered to vote, i do not vote, nor do i have a criminal record, why? because i’m not a criminal of any kind. leave me alone, leave my information alone. i deserve respect & privacy, not to be infiltrated by numerous psychopaths, endless death threats, stalking, harassing, gang stalking, trying to run me off the road, etc.

#  my privacy rights  # i protect gun rights # i protect myself  i’m the independent, conservative, freedom loving, conservative feminine feminist woman, your psycho friends warned you about.

self protection

# classic photo filter # poem # simple philosophy # self preservation # consciousness # apathy outside of my sphere


i’m self protective. i protect myself from the mad world. i choose my consciousness level, that of inner serenity & purity. i keep my consciousness pure. i do not engage on the internet of things, only on my own creative websites, for music on music channels, documentaries, movies, & homestead research on the internet. i keep up with the world news once a month or season, just to be aware, not because i care. i do not connect socially on social platforms, i have nothing to do with the social platforms my websites exist on, nor have i for the past five years.

in my life, & where i live in michigan, i’m the same way. i protect myself & my sphere (home & land). i nurture & love my space. everything else outside of my sphere i ignore, besides nature & wildlife.

everything that is not a part of my sphere online & in life is irrelevant.

this is my way of conscious living, i’m sincerely in tune with nature, everything else is irrelevant, i pay no mind to.

i mind my own business.


my online websites via facebook(this page, the only page i have), pinterest, wordpress,causes, pandora music (my only online websites) are open to the public. my websites are for business purposes for my business of philosophy, book publishing & deerfield organics (my business) artisan beauty, spa, clothing, & decor products, projects & in future time for networking as such, with “new people” i may know & trust.

i use my websites as online canvas as a writer, philosopher, & for creative expressions only. i do not! connect via technology, social media, email & online. i have not engaged (with strangers that message me, on pages on my list, or facebook groups on my list) researched (academic studies), or investigated (for my safety), on the facebook platform,  surfed anywhere for the reasons listed above (researched or safety) i had/have nothing to do with the facebook platform in five years, besides visiting my mother’s page Deb Dunbar, a couple of times, awhile ago. i do not plan on having anything to do with facebook,i’m only on facebook for my own page, that is all i see, my page, i mind my own business, & wish people would mind theirs.

being non trusting, yet kind of trusting, with strangers, or trying to be peaceful with some people or groups of people who i knew were stalking & harassing me is not an option. i simply ignore.

i have received messages & follow requests from strangers recently (some people from the past that i barely knew & deleted off of my follow list).

a stranger is someone who i do not know in the present time & who is not a part of my personal sphere of life presently. i feel uncomfortable with strangers. i do not trust strangers.

i deleted my follow list of (strangers) as well, & do not accept followers (strangers) on my websites.

it shows that i’m being followed by one person on facebook, yet nothing shows up on the follow list. so i reported it to facebook.

i’ve been dealing with stalking, harassing,(by some) my websites, & technology messed with for thirteen years, & this is a continuous & ongoing problem online, when ever i’m online on my websites, i’m messed with. i just ignore, block, delete, & fix my online websites. this winter/spring, my other computer’s wireless keyboard was hacked & messed with, just the other day, it was hacked & messed with again & i can no longer use that computer.  my facebook is being messed with & coded on at times, someone had changed my name, changes as to what time frame my posts are being posted, & my wordpress has been wrought with strange accounts, contacting or following me, & strange messages. one of the messages on one of the pictures of myself discussed russian roulette, i’m not sure if that was a covert threat. i have been used to many death threats over the years.

i simply ignore & fix my websites.

anyone i ever knew, barely knew, from the past or total strangers, are not allowed in my online sphere or life sphere. get gone, kick rocks, scram, scoot, skedaddle. i do not trust strangers, & that is what you are to me, strangers.

especially the people who have stalked, harassed, & or threatened me, psychopaths, ugly  ugly people inside & out.

its like having deer ticks on me.

i don’t live in the past, never have, the past is nothing but wisdom for my present & future (something they are not allowed in).

i’m an apath. meaning i live in zen serenity, everything outside of my sphere is irrelevant. please be at peace within yourselves.

i have contemplated on putting all of my websites on private for years.

i’ve kept my websites open for developing my business for future networking with “new people” i may know well & trust , in my sphere of life. also, for online business sales for my books, artisan products, & paintings

in the past i was open to strangers in the facebook groups of resonance i’m a part of, & open to respectful followers of resonance from the facebook groups i’m a part of. i no longer have an inclination of trust in strangers.

i’ve also kept my websites open as a writer/philosopher.

i refuse to be a shrinking violet (fearful) as a writer/philosopher & artist, even if i’ve received empty threats to my life in the past.

thanks for understanding or not.


Darbi Dunbar