dead carnival

i’m writing a post & book called “Dead Carnival”. a post & book of short stories. recently i watched the movies “Two Sentence Horror Stories”, “Ash vs. Evil Dead” “American Horror Story” & other horror movies & series. i like horror series with a twist of comedy.

i will write the stories on here for musings, yet keep the post private.


the evil eye for my protection to ward off evil as i have been stalked & harassed by raving lunatics through technology & in my life for sixteen years, that is why i do not connect with strangers online or in my life. the least vulnerable people can do is protect the second constitutional amendment.

my self respect, self love, & my dignity in not! for sale.

mantra to myself:

i protect my spirit, my mind, my heart, my soul, my emotions, my physical being. i am empowered.

i protect myself from dissonant energy, narco- socio- psychopathology, manipulations, projections, insinuations, mind viruses, ignorance, & the madness of people. i refuse to be anyone’s puppet (always have). i do not accept stalking, framing, harassment, slander, smearing of my sacred name, & threats made against me. i do not accept disgusting assumptions & insinuations. i do not accept the attempts of covert murder.



insinuations (plural noun)

an unpleasant hint or suggestion of something bad:“I’ve done nothing to deserve all your vicious insinuations” · “pieces of filthy insinuations”

i protect myself.

Deerfield Serenity & Environmental Protection

~ 2023

this april i have documented over 100 hours of leaf blowing ( so far) in the neighborhood that i live in. it has sounded like i live in a war zone. 9 hours a day, every day.the environmental pollution has been that of several raptor pick up trucks taking trips from texas to alaska every half an hour . that’s insane.

so many cities & towns across the united states are banning certain lawn machinery, including leaf blowers.


i like this picture. artist unknown. Medusa is the goddess of chaotic philosophy, also known as crazy wisdom.

i have never liked tee shirts with words on them. i have always thought words belong on paper. i have (since i was a child) liked simple tee shirts & or with simple illustrations of animals & nature (60’s & 70’s style)

recently, i was online shopping for simple tee shirts with french sayings. i was directed to stupid & funny sayings on tee shirts. anywho, i saw a tee shirt that said “put your design here” with an arrow pointed to an empty square. i started to muse my ideas of what i would put in that square for my own tee shirts that i would design & wear or would have worn when i was younger(or not).

i would design my original philosophical, haikus, & suessical rhymes with some small illustrations of my own creations. (intelligent, mindful, witty, & whimsical )

i would also design other witty, unique & original quotes, phrases, & illustrations such as:

an illustration of goddess Isis with wings & on the back the name “ISIS” (unique)

” i am a princess creatrix, not a projection matrix” (original)

just a simple tee shirt with clouds that says “in your dreams” (witty generic phrase)

“don’t let the sun catch you crying “(with a 1960’s looking jesus logo) (name of a song) original idea

i am not your psychiatrist, shiologist, nor your consolar. (original)

a tee shirt with a horizontal row of different eye expressions then at the end of the row saying “what’s your perception, what’s your interpretation? ” (original)

“quiet i’m in the seti rift” (with a small illustration of cosmos)

” i don’t seriously make superficial judgments, i intelligently discern”

a simple tee shirt with sidereal signs (true astronomical astrology) (original)

“the future will be much like “Gattaca” everything will depend upon genetics. “(original)

in the movie “Gattaca”, i agreed with healthy genetics procreating, not the philosophy or policy of unhealthy genetics procreating. unhealthy genetics should not procreate.

a simple tee shirt that says “harmony ” with a vertical row of same size chakras

“Bashar is my guru” ( with a small illustration of a magical land with aliens & dolphins & shi) (original)

Suzy Q’s laughter yoga” (original)

“Suzy Q’s kung fu” (original)

“no thanks” (witty phrase)

a picture of a small leaf and a saying “me out of it” (original)

“alto” with a small illustration of music bars with music notes (original)

coins & cash raining on a seussical pegasus illustration (original)

“i’m politically zen, independent, moderate, environmentalist.”

this means i’m zen, (i am not political) i have my own unique individualistic intellect, i do not agree with the system of “politics”, i may agree or disagree with either side or both sides on topics of politics & policies of the puppeted political spectrum, & i ‘m passionate about protecting animals & nature.” (original)

” i am NOT a part of any carnival circus”

“INFP” with an illustration of a seussical character in a seussical land (original)

a small illustration of a barbie doll with a ban sign through it (original)

my name is Darbi not Barbie

“how new agey are you”

Suzy Q’s Scientific Reseach Institoot (with an illustration of a bubble with a flying unicorn inside) (original)

“let your mom know” (original)

“no thanks, i’ve already dated imbecilic criminals, fucking idiots, & psychotic fruit cakes” (original)

“i know things & i write” (witty phrase saw it before)

“LIVE its saturday night with Suzy Q” (original)

“Suzy Quixotic” (original)

“TTA” with a ban sign through it” (technocratic totalitarian agenda) original

“i’m supersonic, not superfluous” (original)

“i’m fashionably fabulous, not that kind of fabulous” (original)

“aquarius” (with an illustration of me pouring water)

“i’m borderline today, create your design here (with an arrow pointing to an empty square) … not, find someone who is. (original)

“am i culturally appropriating today” (original)

“sue-doe-science” ( with a picture of a doe deer in a lab doing science) (original)

“that was my idea first, then you stole it” with a small picture of a light bulb) (original)

“i’m the new Dr. Suess ” ( a picture of multi-colored individual seussical characters holding hands & a peace sign) (original) (this tee shirt is not racist)

“it’s saturday night and i have someone” (with a small picture of Unesa ) (original)

“i’m ready to go to court when you are” with a small picture of a tennis racket & net” (original)

” sixties french chic eclectic bohemian with a seussical flare” (original)

protagonist? antagonist? no, i’m just a seussical individualist (original)

“you’re so vain if you think this tee shirt is about you”” (original)

“you lie through your teeth” with a picture of smiling teeth (witty phrase)

a shirt with goddess Sarasvati that says “peace and love” (original)

a shirt with goddess Matangi that says “careful” (original)

“i’m an original, put that in your pipe and smoke it Popeye” (original)

a shirt that says “i’m (picture of a box of “always” maxi pads) right” (original)

what will tomorrow bring?

philosophy. psychology.

what will tomorrow bring? today is today, yesterday is gone, only memories, wisdom, & knowledge exist. i live for today & i love tomorrow. this doesn’t mean i have hope every day for tomorrow, i go through cycles & seasons wherein my hope is dim, when the un-nurture of my nature is present, though, i have unconditional love for tomorrow. i’m not an optimist or a pessimist, i’m an optimistic realist.

what is the spectrum?

what is an optimistic realist?

my definition of an optimistic realist, is one who is subjectively optimistic & integrational within the awareness of objective realism within oneself & the world around one.

my nurture, nurtures my nature, my nature nurtures my nurture, i am integrated, i am whole. i have a nurtured & natural state of optimistic realism, thus i integrate my wholistic potential from the inside out through my evolving phases in my life. i am in an ever-evolving state of awareness within myself & the world around me,.

optimistic realism is the concept of in sighting & igniting wisdom through objective knowledge & subjective wisdoms & making sound discernments, decisions, & actions based on the natural integrity & understanding of optimistic realism.

awareness from a philosophical perspective is an ever evolving experience of ever evolving self awareness. on multi-dimensional consciousness perspectives within one’s own evolving subjective perspectives in harmony with the objectivity of reality.

my objective & subjective examples of :

conscious awareness

(writing to be continued)

spiritual awareness :

mental awareness:

soulful awareness:

emotional awareness:

physical awareness:

social awareness:

what is the difference between awareness & mindfulness?

can people be mindlessly aware?

how can people become mindfully aware?

different kinds of zen philosophies, from different consciousness levels.

these are my unique zen philosophies.

feng shhh zen philosophy

prototype zen philosophy:

suesical zen philosophy:

(writing to be continued)

(writing below) written november nine, twenty twenty two

i have taken a long hiatus from writing.

the changing earth

climate change. the changing environments.

aerial views of the earth Aerial View Photography of the earth – Bing images

my writing on geo sentience highly sensitive, psychological empath & geo sentient | darbi sue dunbar (

so, i felt inspired to write a simple writing on climate change with articles. i was also inspired because today’s high was 90 degrees in michigan. the average high temperature in june in michigan is 79 degrees. since i have moved back to michigan after fifteen years of living elsewhere, i have noticed the dramatic differences in the weather patterns & seasons.

climate change Climate variability and change – Wikipedia

the impacts of climate change Climate change impacts | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (

What the world thinks about climate change in 7 charts | Pew Research Center

weather & mood.

equilibrium of sun & overcast skies, sunny & rainy days, & moderate temperatures between mid sixties & mid seventies is ideal for the human nervous system & human thermal harmony. the blue zones on the planet have this ideal weather for healthy human survival & longer life spans.

seasonal affective depression (known as sad), affects some people, mostly in northern climates as the days get shorter, the lack of sunlight, when the barometric pressure increases, colder winter weather, & higher humidity all contribute to seasonal affective depression.

it is a known fact that as temperatures increase during the spring & summer months, people’s moods may be more susceptible to irritability, anger, & violence. most violence around the world rises when the temperature does. the statistics of violence on or near the equator is high when the temperature rises. people with mental disorders such as schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, bi polar disorder, & or manic depression, also narcissistic, sociopathic, & or psychopathic personality disorder tend to do worse in hot temperatures. suicide & homicide, is most common at the beginning of summer. i can’t even read the world news in the summer months because of the insane stories. i have noticed on my websites & in my life, outside of my sphere, i am stalked & harassed more in the summer months by people who should be in mental institutions.

changing seasons.

changing seasons in the near future, in the north, on the north american continent is predicted to be chaotic, with milder winters, yet colder, arctic polar vortex waves of snow storms in the northern winters. shorter winters & longer summers. it is predicated that winters on average arrive later into january through march, & cooler spring in april through may. summer is predicted to arrive earlier into june through november, & to be much warmer than average, with longer heat waves, june through september. that is a predicted six months of summer. december is predicted to be a cooler fall.

the weakening jet stream & chaotic weather Here’s how global warming leads to colder winters in the Northeast – ThinkProgress

the future of weather & temperatures across the united states Climate change will make America much warmer by 2050. See how these US cities will change. (

what will the earth look like in near future?

timeline of the earth in the far future Timeline of the far future – Wikipedia

In The Future, Earth Will Have Just One Continent. It Might Look Like This (

can people help slow the natural & unnatural annihilation of the earth? how can the people of the planet slow this natural process, instead of speed it up?

What can we do to slow or stop global warming? | NOAA

the inhabitants & planet earth | darbi sue dunbar (

satellite view of the earth


documenting annoying, disturbing, & criminal behavior from strangers online & in life.

a stranger to me is someone i’ve never met, met, barely knew, or somewhat knew from any phase of my life & that i’m not connected to in present moment time. no strangers are allowed in my life, if i didn’t stay connected with you in any phase of my life, there was a reason. leave me the fuck alone.

however, if any persons have information in regard to persons who have been stalking, harassing, (including death threats) framing , & slandering me, please contact me on my facebook account if you’re a decent person. thanks.

i have been dealing with soci-psychopaths on & off for fifteen years.

what matters most to me is:

my sanity

my serenity

my safety

the most important responsibilities moving home & settling in:

restoring the serenity in the neighborhood > accomplished to a good degree in 2020 (deerfield serenity project continuation ) ??

no soliciting. no trespassing. on my property.

security measures on my property.

this neighborhood i lived in as a teenager & during seasons in my twenties, was so quiet, serene, & peaceful. i wouldn’t hear a sound all year round, besides nature. i wouldn’t be bothered by anyone, ever. there was no! lawn machinery. there was only the first & original houses built out here, that weren’t that many, with no lawns. there was little to no traffic. it was a paradise in the deer woods.

the neighborhood is serene most often, now that the extreme noise pollution for 6 months out of the year is no longer a reality.??

the integrity & value of the neighborhood has gone down some.

restoring myself while restoring this house

accomplishing my meaningful, sustainable living plan & living my dream.

its a mad world. even if i live away from the mad world, & have diminished so many things that had added to my anxiety & i live a private & serene life as much as possible, there is still madness of the world that i sometimes have to deal with, such as :

leaf blowers, (in 2020) now only once a week. the summer/fall of 2019, it was leaf blowers & lawn machinery consistently for 6-8 hours a day for 6 months out of the year, that caused 70% of my misophonia & anxiety. i’m recovering from years of unruly, unlawful loud violent decibel noise pollution from living in a place in florida for 4 years, & 1 year in michigan.

my deerfield serenity project was a success to a good degree. the year 2020, i only hear leaf blowers once a week on the same day, for a few hours, instead of 6 hours every day or every other day in this neighborhood for 6 months out of the year.

having to deal with crazy people harassing me on my facebook or wordpress websites. i ignore, block, delete, & document if i need to, as i have when i was first online with my myspace website at 29-32 years old & on my facebook account 35 years old until now. i have been severely stalked & harassed online on my websites for over a decade.

Federal Stalking and Harassment Laws |

being outside of my life sphere (my home & property) alone & having to be self protective from dissonant energy & possible predatory people with ill intentions.

being in my life sphere safe & sound, yet dealing with people who are unwelcome on my property such as, solicitors, or working people that are hired for a certain job concerning the house that show up off of the scheduled appointment, or people who are trespassing.

the only people allowed near or on my property are:

postal delivery service

grocery delivery (if scheduled)

recycling & trash pick up

a scheduled appointment for something to be fixed in my home (though not during the pandemic)

other than that, no soliciting & no trespassing signs will be on my property.

i refuse to answer my door for anyone. i have no problem telling people to get off of my property.

more home & property security measures are being taken to secure myself, my home, & property.

<difficulties that i have had to deal with the year 2020>

having misophonia, an anxiety disorder, grief from the death of my 17 year old cat, depression from dealing with a dissonant mother, & extreme tiredness,.what i have needed since i’ve moved home (to michigan) in the beginning of 2019, was a retreat. to be left alone. no anxiety. no worries. no stress. no responsibilities. just nothingness. for a year, at least.

that has not been the case.

i have had to deal with extreme noise pollution for 6 months the summer/fall of 2019. (which was devastating for me & made me want to disappear )

i have been harassed on my phone, from strange numbers, online & in life while living here in michigan

i have put pressure on myself on my responsibility timelines, i overwhelmed myself, thus i’ve been difficult with myself. so, any pressure or pestering from others was/is not helpful.

i have had to deal with a pandemic 2020- 2021


protecting my inner serene part 2. my first writing,…/that-moment-when/ I wrote last spring. a documentation of online or in life instances that have occurred, that were suspicious or cause for concern.

in this writing, i’m adding to that list. 2020 & during the pandemic an uptick of concerning instances has had me worried.

mid march, a guy coughs in my face, at a convenience store, it seemed intentional.

unreasonable requests from a family member during the pandemic

the conversation with my mother during that time was anxiety inducing & awful for me.

spring-summer 2020

strangers started following me on my wordpress website, one of the strangers had writings that were twisted, psycho clown like & about murdering people.

summer 2020

obscure text message on my phone.

a maskless, state police officer showed up on my doorstep late at night looking for a disturbed teenager.

the next day i found my garage door wrecked.

maskless men showing up on my property.

my facebook likes list messed with.

my wordpress website messed with. editing that i did not do.

a crazy comment on my wordpress post “deerfield serenity project” calling me bat shit crazy & that i belong in a mental institution or in the middle of nowhere.

an incident of people trespassing on my property at @ 5 am one morning, strange human howls, running through the woods, then a four wheeler at the border of my woods property fast through the field, more running & possibly something like a rock thrown in my direction on my property.

fall 2020

more crazy strangers following my wordpress website. that i ignored, blocked, & deleted.

maskless solicitors on my property.

more strange text messages from strange phone numbers or strange emails, texting my phone, as if a conversation. strange phone numbers , of strange people, texting my phone, asking me questions as if texting someone they knew.

being pestered by someone to have someone’s unneeded things moved out of my house during the pandemic, consistently for six months.

the conversation with my mother during that time was anxiety inducing & awful for me.

pestering about upkeeping my house.

the house that i live in, is my parent’s (our family’s house,) & i am making it my home, because this house has been home to me, the house i grew up in as a teenager & my sanctuary during seasons through my twenties. it is the only place! that i have felt serene & safe in my life. i also call this house “my home” because it is where i reside. i moved into this house the first week of january 2019. this house has been a rental house for ten years. this house has not been maintained, the integrity of the house diminished, it has not been professionally power washed, black mold on the windows, the walls are painted colors, i would never choose, the stove broken, the plumbing upstairs in one bathroom defective, no new faucets or updates to the house. i plan to restore this house, & its natural integrity in time. i’m just settling in, getting acclimated to the weather, seasons, & cycles, & had/have been dealing with an anxiety disorder, misophonia (during leaf blower season), & feeling very tired, having to deal with 6 months of leaf blowers summer/fall of 2019. i had to try to restore the neighborhood first. then recover. i’ve been in my cocoon, trying to restore my qi & serenity this year, let alone feeling hopeless about living around possibly 6 months of extreme noise pollution living here, & feeling anxiety, overwhelmed, & exhausted, then having to deal with intense anxiety about the pandemic,. then dealing with more anxiety with all of the things on this post this year so far. then being pestered about having men on my property or in my house, to work on things, which is anxiety inducing alone for me at this time, let alone during a pandemic, not a good time for that. this house is my responsibility to the degree of planning & maintenance on a certain level & i plan to take care of the house without being pestered, run all over, faulted, & blamed. when dealing with such controlling energy, i feel pressured, stifled, claustrophobic, uninspired, rebellious, & (frozen) traumatized.

i was pestered, run over, invalidated, named called, treated awful, manipulated, provoked, & invalidated during the pandemic.

i’m one to work “with” people, not “at” people.

pestering & more pestering

i had said yes to moving someone’s things out of my house, as long as i was never pestered again about someone’s things. my stance was, as long as having professionals that wear masks move things quickly.

moving people came to my house to move someone’s things out (one of them wasn’t wearing a mask, it took two hours)

non stop maskless solicitors & random people driving in my driveway & trespassing on my property

non stop unruly, unlawful leaf blowers & loud decibel lawn machinery, 4-9 hours a day all of october & november. not so much on the street that i live on, yet in the neighborhood.

more crazy text messages on my phone

a neighbor that stops by my house once a season asking if i have received his mail. my personal address is not a post office. the only mail i have received at my personal home address has been addressed to my parents or myself, besides one previous renter, & i made sure she had received her mail, everything else has been junk mail. the very first time he stopped by my house, i told him that i would make sure that any mail or delivery that i received with his name & address on it, that i would put in his mailbox or leave on his front porch. stopping by my house once & kindly asking me to contact him or drop off any mail that is addressed to his name & address is fine, harassing me on my property, once a season with a snarky attitude asking me if i’ve received his mail or package is another.

if i receive any mail or delivery addressed to him & his address i would simply drop it in his mail box or on his front porch. i don’t need to be harassed about it. i would respect that he would drop off any mail or delivery addressed to my name & address off in my mailbox or front porch as well.

several codes sent to my phone > someone trying to hack into my online accounts.

winter 2021

a message on my facebook from a guy that i barely knew twelve years ago. initials (SC) wrote: a strange message that didn’t make sense. his message said to enjoy my ice.

some of my wordpress writings edited & messed with

creepy strange men yelling out of their truck at me at a busy corner store

a message on my facebook from a guy that i barely knew nineteen years ago. initials (PL) wrote: hey, i’m going to be in michigan, just wondering if you wanted to get together.

a discovery of a bat in my house. days later, a drawing on my front porch in the snow of a footprint & perfectly drawn bat wings.

a group of young somethings at a busy corner store taking a picture of me

spring. 2021

strange & rude behavior toward me from some women that work/customer at a general store

a group of young men not social distancing & crowding around my space in a rude way at a busy corner store.

on my activity history on my facebook account, on june, 2 2021, someone flamed my account & commented on an anonymous facebook users link. i have no idea what was written or what the link was. i reported it to facebook.

summer. 2021

a message on my facebook from a guy i barely knew nineteen years ago. initials (JP) wrote: Thinking of you.

another message from (PL) . i didn’t read it. then it disappeared.

a message from a total stranger wrote: I hope you are well, and that there are no hard feelings between us.

i have no idea who this guy was/is.

i had noticed a file that was installed on my computer august 3 2020 firefox data file called opbouyah . i had never used fire fox. the file consisted of a number of files called the Json files, also a few files called the Sha files. i deleted it from my computer.

throughout the summer season, i had received over 30 text messages harassing my phone, some of which was sexual harassment.

fall 2022

my computer had/has been compromised .

someone rang my door bell several times & ran away @ ten p.m one night.

winter 2023

someone hacked into my facebook account & created a group (framing me) that consisted of two female cousins from my paternal side of the family & me. (weird)

my computer is still compromised & being messed with. my search history on the internet browser is being manipulated & framed with things i did not search in the browser, such as:

deadly blessing 1981 & Ur mummy

i have had no cell phone or emergency service from febuary 9-15th . only briefly for a day & a half. my phone says invalid sim card. i believe my phone service has been intentional deactivation.

a writing link> on how to deal with difficult people & difficult situations

how to deal with difficult people | darbi sue dunbar (

i ignore, block, or delete harassment on my phone, online, or in life. though i think documentation is important to have a record of annoyances, suspicious activity, & harassments. also, so i can report to the police i need to. i have had to deal with over a decade of severe stalking, harassment, threats, framing, flaming, smear campaigns, turning people against me & thousands of dollars of property damage, along with trying to file a restraining order. i have also contemplated on filing restraining orders on quite a few different men. some people will be forever psychos.

note to people experiencing stalking, harassment, threats, framing, flaming, smear campaigns & consistent aggressive behavior on your phones, emails, websites, or in your life, including thousands of dollars of property damage, & killing your animals. most often it is not total strangers that you ‘ve never met, unless they are ill minded & sick individuals getting paid to mess with you & your life by strangers you’ve met once, strangers you’ve barely known, or had known for a time in some phase of your lives. most often it is ill minded, narco-socio-psycho males that you’ve once had barely known or dated at some time in your lives & that have made you their target for psychopathic activities. shockingly, the statistics show that most cases involve ill minded nsp family members! anyone connected to these kinds of people are usually similar or the same kind of ill & ugly people, even worse if they know what their psychopathic friend or family member is doing to an innocent person. these are criminals, period!

it is illegal to send spam messages to cell phones. Mobile phone spam – Wikipedia

the fake profiles following, messaging, manipulating your facebook accounts, framing & flaming you from your own facebook accounts, is all illegal activity that involves stalking, harassing, slander & liable. only ill minded narco-socio-& or psychopathic people do this to people. this is criminal behavior, most often it is covert & difficult to prove in the court of law. psychopaths that frame & flame people with slanderous activity, can put people’s lives & those they are connected with in danger.

people who think this criminal activity is simply juvenile or normal are ill minded & perhaps also narco-socio-psychopathic.

Federal Stalking and Harassment Laws |

mentalities, living & lifestyles

psychology, mentalities, living. life styles. society.

what is intelligent mindness?

intelligent mindness is when people interact in mindful & meaningful ways. there is mindfulness within the interactions, a reason to their conversations, something meaningful. there is articulate, dynamic, & meaningful conversations that are both polite & truthful. topics of conversations revolve around thinking, intellect, ideas, creative expressions, on a variety of wisdom, knowledge & academic studies, also topics of the individual self in relation to the world (awareness).

intelligent minded people are often loners, if not, they may have a few friends. they have more of a divergent mind or a divergent & convergent mind in harmony. they get their energy from themselves & share their energy with those resonant in a meaningful way. they are self intentional with no intentions with their thoughts, expressions, & ways, nor do they have intentions for others. if empowered they have learned to protect themselves from ignorant people.

i have been intelligent minded since i was a little girl.

what is ignorant mindedness?

ignorant mindedness is when people interact with each other in a way that is pretentious, superficial, charming, glibb, & manipulative. it is when people interact with superficial topics of conversation, a sense of mindlessness, meaninglessness, conversations filled with pretentions, vague conversations, sometimes with with passive aggressive snideness. topics of conversation often revolve around superficial academics, practical topics, daily events, & superficial judgements, projections, gossip, rumors, often starting drama.

ignorant minded people flock together. they have more of a convergent mind, are extroverts & get their energy from others. they are other intentional, yet are often condescending. ignorant minded people view intelligent minded people as naïve, stupid, & weak.

mentalities, living, & lifestyles.

ignorant mentalities & living can be found in: townships, rural communities, small towns, bedroom communities, or small towns within cities & within cities.

dissonance for me is/was the mentality of many of the people. very low consciousness & ignorance.

According to Urban dictionary:

When someone has lived for so long in a small town that they form a sense of entitlement to themselves and act as if there isn’t a relevant world outside of their town.

Someone with small-town syndrome usually is concerned with gossip and events with people in their town and let their life revolve around such meaningless rumors. Parents/Adults and children all engage in cliquey behavior.

People with small-town syndrome usually don’t realize they act this way, and may be insulted if pointed out.

ignorant small town mentality is that of hierarchal & segregation. superficial judgements, groupthink, ignorant & incompetent decision making, which leads to dilapidated communities.

suburban mentalities & living: many suburbians exclude themselves from small town mentalities & small town living. though, suburbian living can be similar to small town living, somewhat insular, & ignorant thinking within suburban communities.

semi city-big city living.

semi city-big city living can be similar to suburbian living within different neighborhoods & towns within semi city-big cities. however, right in the big cities there is much more diverse interaction with many kinds of people, cultures, & places, adding vibrancy & diversity to city living.

all living situations can be higher, medium, or lower wealth status of living within the class system that is in place in society (whether people agree or disagree with the class system) i think there is nothing wrong with intelligent separatism. separatism based on philosophies, politics, cultures, lifestyles, & ways of life. i believe in more wealth status fairness within intelligent social constructs.

stoic wilderness.

(stoic wilderness is becoming more difficult to preserve because of dissonant neighbors, their status lawns & the highly annoying, inappropriate, some of which is ineffective lawn equipment & services they use that disgrace the neighborhoods & devalues neighborhood living & property, this also includes logging, rural spread, & developments.

i have writings & documentations about this on my “deerfield serenity” posts. deerfield serenity | darbi sue dunbar (

i live in stoic wilderness living that preserves the quiet, serenity, & sanctity of stoic wilderness living. i am against dissonant neighbors who do not uphold this philosophy. i am against excessive deer hunting, logging, rural spread, (especially non organic farming) & excessive developments.

higher wealth stoic wilderness living is that of living in a wilderness or tropical paradise of ones own design. such as on top of a scenic mountain, in pristine woodlands, or tropical paradise. all of which is private, has complete security & seclusion.

medium wealth stoic wilderness living is that of living in an environment that is similar to higher wealth status, yet individual or in a private neighborhood that preserves its pristine & wilderness nature. private. quiet. serene. more privacy & space from neighbors yet in a wilderness subdivision with private land within a township.

i live in stoic wilderness. my writing when i moved back to my deer sanctuary & abortorium. away from the mad world | darbi sue dunbar (

lower wealth status wilderness living is that of living in the wild & wilderness. independent & sustainable, more dependent upon nature.


higher wealth rural living is that of rural estate, farm & or grand land status.

medium wealth rural living is a step below higher rural status.

lower rural wealth status is below medium wealth status.

communal rural.

higher, medium, or lower wealth status communal rural living is often times intentional communities devoted to spiritual, religious, socially intentional, or resource based communities.

small town.

small town living is that of the basic outlay of the small brick & morter town. corporate, smaller businesses & factories, living & social status that make up a hierarchal social community.

suburb-bedroom community.

higher, medium, or lower wealth subdivision of neighborhoods that lie between towns or outside of cities.

semi-city-big city.

same with small town living, different wealth status neighborhoods, & within each different neighborhood, small towns, with local, corporate spaces, & a city center with many branches.

stoic city .

high wealth stoic city living is wealthy high rise penthouses over looking the cities.

i have lived in most of these living places in certain phases of my life.

i had learned what is more resonant & dissonant to me.

it doesn’t matter the people’s wealth statuses, lifestyles, or where people live. intelligent mindedness or ignorant mindedness is prevalent on all realms of societies, wealth statuses, lifestyles, & where people live. often times, it is the nature & nurture phenomenon based on people’s nature & nurture or unnurture of their natures, their upbringings, & life experiences, within their environments.