prefrontal cortex & medulla oblongata

neurobiology . psychology . philosophy

Prefrontal cortex – Wikipedia

prefrontal cortex functions

insight. an inner sight of knowing (from one’s own consciousness level & perspective) such as knowledge, wisdom, & life experiences. there is nothing that is telepathic or all knowing, there is only different consciousness levels& perspectives.

morality. the capacity to imagine, reason, & enact behaviors with ethics & morality

attuned communication. a compassionate connection in a relationship, when internal states are the focus of attention, in harmonic resonance.

empathy. the ability to understand another person’s perspective.

emotion regulation. emotional equilibrium

intuition. the term that denotes the nonlogical knowing that emerges from the body, the neural networks in the heart & the intestines, that send their signals through the insula, to regions of the pre frontal cortex.

response flexibility. the ability to respond flexibly. it allows the individual to pause & put space between impulse & action.

body regulation. coordinating different systems of the body to function in harmony . one example is the equilibrium between the sympathetic & the parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.

fear modulation. the ability to unlearn fear.

when the pre frontal cortex is in equilibrium there in no dysfunction.

overactive or underactive pre-frontal cortex is dysfunctional. so, with the pre frontal cortex functions listed above, put dysfunctional in front of each function in understanding the dysfunction of the pre frontal cortex. also the words : chaotic insight or no insight, over active intuition/imagination, schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder, or non intuitive, not able to engage in healthy communication. reading between the lines, communicating with ambiguity, (PDF) Ambiguity in Human Communication: Causes, Consequences and Resolution | samson oluga – passive aggressive, or aggressive communication.

the difference between passive aggressive communication & assertive communication.

Conf14_FourCommStyles.pdf (

over or under emotional, bi polar disorder, manic depressive, obsessiveness, disability, inability, impulsive reactions, or unresponsive, dysfunctional or non regulating (brain & body) functions.

one in one hundred people in the united states have schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic

Bipolar Disorder. Psychosis. Dissociative Identity Disorder. Schizoaffective Disorder. Paranoid schizophrenia . Catatonia

All Facts About Medulla Oblongata – You Ask We Answer

age of infusion pisces & aquarius | darbi sue dunbar (


interview #creative writing # musings

inspiring & creative things for writers & painters to do if they are feeling uninspired to write or paint, is creative musings. either meditations, day dreams, philosophies, thoughts on certain subjects of academics or life, inner reflections, inner healing, reading stories or watching movies & pretend you are the writer of the book, or movie director of the movie, ask yourself, how you would have written the book, or directed the movie? what kind of characters, meaning, story, cinematography, set design & so on? another way to muse creativity is random writing, word play, poems, inventing creative stories & spontaneously flow with words. the same with paint, techniques, design, & colors on a canvas. another way is to interview yourself, its a good way to connect with yourself & insight creative energy flowing. another creative musing is to go have an adventure with yourself somewhere, something as simple as going for a walk someplace, & pretend you are in a story book or painting & notice everything inside your thoughts, feelings & everything around you as if writing a creative story book, or painting something on a canvas, let the story unfold or the painting come alive on canvas in your mind. these are things i have always done that have inspired me as a writer & years ago painting on canvas when i felt a lack of spontaneous inspiration or creative energy within me.

in this writing, i’m going to interview myself, a simple creative musing.

what is my spirituality or religion?

spiritual pantheist & unitarian universalist. my individual connection with cosmos, myself, & nature. a reverence for wildlife & nature. as a uu i respect all religions.

why has new age spirituality fascinated me since i was fourteen years old ?

my mother & myself had a lot of spiritual & new age wisdom books, that i read & loved at a young age, i never stopped reading & learning on the subject.

i have found all of the branches of new age spirituality to be interesting, some new & ancient wisdom & practices that i have infused in my life have been insightful, harmonizing, & healing within myself & in my life.

did i ever have a new age spiritual nic name?

yes, Moonyehka, late twenties & early thirties, meaning moon princess. living with the cycles of the moon & my moon cycles.

do i have a current spiritual nic name?

yes. Aquila Lila. in accordance to the constellation of sidereal aquarius, my sun, mars, & south node sign. who calls me by that nicname? no one. it is my connection to the constellation of pegasus which is in the second decadent of aquarius .

what are my thoughts about astrology?

astronomical astrology is a science.

i have studied & keep updated with the cosmic forecasts of sidereal astrology, i’m resonant & in accordance with sidereal astrology.

was i ever a new age girl in teenage & younger adult years? have i ever culturally appropriated asa new ager?

i’m spiritual & respect different spiritualities & religions, always have, & i’m a french chic, eccentric, artist, bohemian fashionista, i believe, i have never culturally appropriated, only culturally appreciated. i have studied spirituality, religion, art history, cultural anthropology, & history through my twenties & the same in my thirties, yet also, biology, d&a, modern & ancient d&a & blood type migrations throughout the world, along with many worldly studies. yet at the same time, i was going through a new agey phase & adopted the philosophy of ” all connected on earth” on a periscopic divergent philosophical, & scientific separatist convergent understanding.

as a child, teenager, & young adult growing up in the nineties & early two thousands, the new age movement was beaming with the philosophy of spirituality, love, sincere unity & living in harmony with the earth. many new age philosophers were teaching that we are much more similar than different, on human, genetic & biological levels, & that religion, socially constructed races, & classes were more of the illusion in the 3d ignorant & racist (all colors of people)matrix. also, science proves this. i resonated/resonate with this philosophy so much, because that is how i was raised.

did i ever get lost in my studies on these subjects?

no, i was simply learning as a student on these subjects. i had studied all of these subjects & found that i had more questions than answers.

did you find the answers you were searching for?

yes. after twenty years of reading, research, & studies. my learning & knowledge is ever evolving.

i consider myself a free spirit, what does that mean to me?

it means i’m an individual, & that i’m connected to myself with my individual spirituality, my intellect & wisdom, my self awareness, my self love, my soul, my emotions, & my physical body. it means that i’m resonant to cosmos, myself, & nature.

it means that no one has power or control over me on any level of myself, only I do. i’m empowered from within, & have been learning how to protect my ever evolving empowerment, from manipulative, power hungry, & or controlling people that lack what I have, a free spirit of self evolving, self loving, & self empowering energy.

would i consider myself more right brained or left brained?

a harmony of both

would i consider myself more logical or creative?

a harmony of both

would i consider myself more cerebral or emotional?

a harmony of both

would i consider myself an equalized person all around?

yes, in a spiritual, mental, soulful, emotional, & physical sense.

yes, energy wise as well. though nature & nurture comes into play, if i’m surrounded by energy, people, situations, or environments where i find more dissonance than resonance, my energy might be off, i may become apprehensive, (relating or unrelating to perception or understanding) untrusting, stressed, or anxiety ridden, depending on the severity of dissonance. i’m a highly sensitive person, so i understand the dynamics of nature & nurture well. in my naivete when i was growing up & in my younger adult years (twenties & thirties) my apprehensiveness, trusting yet un-trusting, lack of knowledge about people, ways, & street smarts, was a challenge for me. i had learned everything the difficult way. also, i had naïve intuition when around people who were predatory, seeking to exploit or suppress me, especially if i was under the influence of alcohol. my naïve intuition was due to the abuse i had endured when i was younger.

am I future, present, or past minded?

i was born aware & awake, in the present moment, dreaming future dreams for myself. i have always been present moment, yet more of a future minded individual. i cherish enlightening, elated, & fantastical memories from my evolving years & life experiences, i have learned knowledge & wisdom from myself & my past experiences, that have helped me evolve on intrinsic & deep levels within myself & in my life.

i am here & now with my future visions, dreams, goals & living my life. the past is irrelevant to me, only knowledge, wisdom, & memories exist in past tense. on the day to day, i’m moment to moment & future creating. that is also a part of being a free spirit. though, i have had a difficult time at times, with people who are more past tense minded, & those who have stalked, harassed, & or threatened me for years on end. i have dealt with some obsessive crazy psychopaths.

what makes me unique?

i’m a spiritual pantheist, unitarian universalist, free spirit, intellectual philosopher, writer, artist, artisan, creative person, & dancer. i’m a moon princess, i have olive hazel eyes 5% infp 1% , highly sensitive person 15%, & rh- o blood type 9% of the population in the world, i’m “a” sexual (non sexual) & demi sexual, smaller percentage of the population. i think that makes me unique. so much so, i feel like an alien from a different planet.

am i fluid in any way?

yes. i’m spiritually & religiously fluid, i resonate with some new age spiritual philosophies, as a uu growing up, & my whole life, i respect some aspects of all religions. i’m culturally fluid. i’m fixed in my sexuality (straight).

there are many myths about infp personality types. how would i debunk those myths?

infp’s are simply, introverted, intellectual, innovative, soulful, creative, & individualistic. infps seem mysterious & complex, yet we are naïve by nature, simple, & live in own realistic fairytale, manifesting own dreams, ideas, & goals for ourselves & our lives. we are self intentional & self focused.

have i ever met another infp? no.

what is the most important thing in the world to me?

my spirit, my mind & intellect, (i don’t know what i would do without my mind), my heart, my soul, my emotions, my physical wellness & body. my harmony. my sanity, serenity, & safety. cosmos & nature , clothing, nutrition, & sacred spaces.

also, objective truth & freedom is important to me.

am i political?

in my higher consciousness no, i’m zen. in my lower consciousness i’m an independent, conservative feminine in the ways of feminine tradition & gender roles, i’m also a deep green environmentalist, i like animals & nature better than people. deep green environmentalism is different than green politics, with a corporate earth destroying twist, like mining precious crystals, metals, & materials from the earth for all kinds of new technology, capitol gain, & ruling over the earth, i’m for new technologies that are for a cleaner earth anyway, yet not for technologies that would harm people, animals, & earth, & the mass destruction from dirty mining.

what is the most romantic thing a man has ever done for me?

so many men i had dated.

so many dates with a man that was my best friend & love.

if i were to start a revolution, what kind of revolution would i start? anti technocratic totalitarian new world order! instead of different religions, politics, cultures, ethnicities, “races”, classes, peoples in general, regions & countries fighting each other, i would start a world wide revolution against the technocratic totalitarian new world order. i would bring down all of the dimensions that make up the ttnwo. the revolution would be sophisticated on all levels, & the lower levels of the revolution would rebel. “smash all surveillance cameras & systems, not each other” if nothing is done about the ttnwo, in the united states, the usa will be as horrifying as the communist china propaganda machine. social credit scoring anyone?

i refuse to be a sim in the techno matrix culture of fear for more “safety”.

though, i would not start a revolution, as Osho said, a true rebel is one who doesn’t partake in rebellion, a true rebel has nothing to do with the rebelliousness of the world. the difficulty is that the technocratic totalitarian system is so psychotic & invasive, that one can’t escape the system that easily, live in privacy, peace, & true safety. when you take away people’s privacy, you take away their psychological health.