survivalist Suzy q

# psychology #society # survival skills # away from the mad world part 2

what will the future be like?

what will the future be like?

away from the mad world.

away from the mad world

away from the mad world part 2 (survivalist Suzy q)

just as I have written in my writing, away from the mad world about basic everyday surviving & way of life, living a sustainable, old fashion life & as off the tech & societal grid as possible, as a sustainable homesteader, living & working from home, my living work & my business (deerfield organics), & living a serene & private simple life in harmony with nature, in my palace, in my fairytale forest,(the home I grew up in as a teenager & the home I have considered my sanctuary through my twenties) protecting myself & my sphere, i’m writing this writing about my path of self sufficiency & survival skills.

my great grandmother Irene Aldridge lived a simple old fashion life on her own in boone, michigan on acres of land & woods. she was a self sufficient homesteader.  she had her own water well, & garden that she lived off of. she made her own toiletries, household products, she had sewn her own clothing, grew her own medicine, tea, & food, preserved food, prepped survival items, & maintained her house. she lived an all natural healthy life until she was 101 years old. she never had any health issues. she would go into the town of cadillac a few times a month to get supplies or necessities.

i’m learning to live like my great grandmother, & over the years I will become a skilled homesteader & survivalist. my living work & business work are intertwined. i’m passionate about my mindful, self sufficient, & purposeful living. I consider myself a green entrepreneur.

my grandparents have given us (family) advice for living simple & safe lives, as my grandparents from the great generation have been through trying times. their advice was “better to be safe than sorry, better to be overprepared than underprepared” &  “living a simple life sustaining for yourselves & families is most important”  this is good self sustainable family advice in my opinion & wise selflessness. I believe living any other way is selfish. I refuse to live a nervous, anxiety ridden & vulnerable life.

I have the most respect for my great grandmother’s ways, my great grandparents & the life wisdom of my grandparents,  & others who live simple, natural, healthy lives, homesteaders, & self sustainable survivalists. many people think self sustainable survivalists & preppers are lunatics, I think they are intelligent.

I support a natural economy, on the local, national, & global scale.

I already have a biological advantage as survivalist Suzy q, for many things that could go wrong  in the world, such as vitality, health, healthy genetic code, & my dominant blood type that is the oldest, where I have more grey matter in my brain, high brain function & protection from neurological issues & diseases. my dominant blood type ensures lower blood pressure, protecting me from heart diseases.  also, my dominant  blood type expression  is most resistant to bacteria & viruses of all kinds, & the least likely blood type to develop most diseases, including cancer. my immune response is of  natural high vitality, along with my metabolic system. this isn’t to say that i’m not susceptible, lifestyle is important for vital health.

survivalist Suzy q

living away from society, disconnected from the insanity

living a serene, simple, private life in harmony with nature

private home ownership & acres of land & woods

private water well & high tech water filter & seasonal hydroponic indoor & outdoor natural gardening

homesteading & survival sustainability, this includes seasonal stock ups of food & necessities

network local farms

designated safe, clean, rural public markets, grocery store, or home goods stores, with very little people or traffic & trustworthy delivery services

trustworthy local network for appointments & home services

emergency survivalist kit. uv lighting, pathogen detection technology, nebulizers, ventilators, charcoal filter masks, disposable gloves, Suzy q space suit, soaps, hand sanitizer, toiletries, cleaning supplies, household supplies, flashlights, batteries, travel chargers, security cameras, walkie talkies, radio, candles, mini electric fire places, fire pits, eco generator, weapons, fire, & fuel. also, camping surplus gear.

my weapons of choice. taser, laser electrocuter, paintball gun, a long spear gun, sword, bow & arrow & spear.

homesteading skills. making my own toiletries & spa products, household products, sew my own clothing & needs, making my own artisan items & culinary wear, flower essence, herbology, natural medicine, culinary skills, preserving foods, & maintaining my house.

built in water filtration system with own well water, indoor or outdoor hydro garden (growing own food) stockpile of foods.

survivalist skills. stress reduction, organization, planning, survivalist kits, camping skills, fishing, hunting, fire making, self defense & weapons training. prepared for pandemics, power outages, grid blackouts, social unrest, & war. future financial planning.

protocol for pandemics.

stress reduction, plans, & organization. hope for the best, prepare for the worst

five minutes of news report in the morning on phone or radio

my survivalist kit organized & homesteading skills already stocked with seasonal essentials, water filtration, medicines, supplements, teas, fruit & veggie juices, produce,  grains, & proteins, fresh & frozen & stock of dry goods & camp food. all other necessities stocked.

stock up on survivalist essentials to always have no matter what

strong immunity already vitalized  through supplementation, foods, & healthy lifestyle

keen hygiene for myself & for cats

house organized & immaculate, ocd germophobe style

shelter in place, way (months)  before announcements as such

protect lively, vibrant, healthy aura of myself & my sphere

listen to my inner gps at all times, if something makes me nervous, say no, or don’t do it.

keep hands away from my face

pathogen detector check & lysol wipe all touch surfaces. door handles, light switchs, faucets, surface counters & tables.  phone, computer, & other frequently touched items.  daily protocol

any mail, or delivery, handle with mask & gloves, lysol wipe mail & delivery, put in safe place, do not open for days. when opening, open with gloves & lysol wipe items delivered

only leave house if emergency. 

sun glasses, scarf around head & face, charcoal filter mask, gloves, space wear, hand sanitizer, lysol wipes on hand & anywhere i have to go. keep hands away from my face, adjust mask with my elbow if needed, safe aura distance, avoid sick people at all costs.

if buying items from safe, clean, rural store with very few people, ask for paper bags

pay with card ( cash carries viruses)

when out, lysol wipe gloves & handle, before getting into jeep,  place items on wipeable surface mat on seat.  keep mask & gloves on until home. jeep in garage. place wipeable anti theft bag, wallet, & bag items on bench, lysol wipe everything, including id or credit card if used, place purchased  items on bench, lysol wipe all items, put in safe place for awhile, put paper bag in recycle pile. lysol wipe all touch surfaces in jeep & surface mat. remove jacket or space wear & shoes, lysol wipe everything & shoes, especially the bottoms. lysol wipe goggles, mask & gloves, dispose of mask & gloves if needed.  lysol wipe door handle. pathogen detection tech check the whole jeep & items disinfected. lysol wipe door handle, enter laundry room.  bring scarf, jacket & shoes in, place in laundry room bathroom tub, wash with hot water & soap, hang in cleaning closet to dry,  hang anti theft bag in cleaning closet, remove cloths, put cloths in washing machine, wash. put on robe & ballet flats, pathogen detection tech check. wash hands & arms with soap & warm water for 20 seconds, smooth witch hazel on face, hot shower if nessecery, tea tree hair & body scrub.

wash all produce with hot water

stay hyper vigilant & protective  stay zen & serene, never panic.

although i’m an isolationist & a bit of a lone woman, it is intelligent to have people in your life that you “completely” trust, otherwise you end up alone in dire situations, where you may need help. its better to trust yourself completely, than to rely on people that you don’t have that much trust in.

what I have learned during the pandemic is that, I only have myself to trust & rely on, even in emergency situations. my parents help me with basic financial support, yet I have no other trust in them, not even moral or practical support. I have learned that I have to protect myself from them as they add to my anxiety & ptsd, not subtract. that is to be expected, narco-sociopaths.

there is much advice on how to be a survivalist. some of which is : living under the radar, (no phone, internet, online website, not visible in communities, etc.)not expressing thoughts about anything going on in the world, pretending to be a mindless brainwashed drone, pretending to be unaware, stupid, blending in with average people, seeming to have no knowledge or wisdom, seeming to have no idea about surviving, seeming to have no organizations, plans, & preparedness, seeming to be poor, remaining thin & looking malnourished, unkept, & poor. these are all survivalist strategies.  in this way one is not a target for anyone at any time, & during a crisis. these are all intelligent strategies, yet I choose to live my life, freely, & protect myself, I try to live equalized in a way where I live without fear, my websites are visible to the world, I express my spirit, thoughts, intellect, opinions, ideas, soul, feelings, I express myself as a whole as a philosopher, writer, artist, activist, & as a princess creatrix. I don’t pretend to be mindless, i’m a free thinker, i’m aware of myself & the world, I don’t fit in with people, nor do I wish to, nor would I want to blend in with the crowd. I am myself sincerely, I choose to live my life with freedom, respect, dignity, & integrity, all the while having strong boundaries. my websites may be open to the world, my personal information, name, address, places I’ve lived, yet I protect my online sphere from strangers, & I protect myself & my living sphere  with my life, i’m an open book online, yet I live a private life & i’ll be off of the tech grid more & more. I live in the neo tech age, yet i live as old fashioned as I can.

as the world turns & unravels (death & rebirth) into a new age (over a time scale of thousands of years, astronomically) many predictions &  prophecies from different religions & cultures, have been becoming true & the reality of the world.

the scariest predictions & realities will continue if globalization continues. horrifying pandemics,(think airborne ebola) bio warfare, cyber war & grid blackouts, chemical warfare, resource depletion, climate crisis, mass migrations & refugees, overpopulation & mass poverty.  on a global scale, third & fourth world countries will continue to grow, devastatingly.

either way, I have studied much of what i’m writing about, (the future of the world in certain ways) for fourteen years, in other words, i’m keen on future world events that are inevitable.

cat woman zombie apocalypse team. Unesa is the weapons expert & the mascot & Alguzlan is the medic & speed fighter. people aren’t allowed.

no pussyfooting around & get the tuna for the pocalypse is our motto.

on a global scale, I believe health & the environment are most important. I support a global health organization & global environmental organizations . I support humanitarianism & helping countries under inhumane treatment, & the trade of surplus items between counties. I believe in peace treaties between nations & pan nations for  global soundness & simple diplomacy with other nations. I believe in open, international multi citizenships in different countries, accepting of immigrants, war & climate change refugees into different countries, other than that, I do not support competition, trade, & globalization.

i’m for a natural economy, within separate nations & countries. I believe independent, intelligent, healthy, wholesome, self sufficiency & healthy individuation creates  healthy interdependence. individuals, tribes, individual communities, states, countries & nations should lead by example only, if there is to be more global health & equilibrium on all levels.

the global revolutions, (now in the fourth technocratic revolution) have destroyed humanity & the planet. how long will this continue?

the importance of an intelligent, humanitarian, global health organization is vital. what might that entail?

  1. strict border regulations of passports, health certificates, & in-depth health screenings
  2. national & global natural health prevention & strong regulations on goods & foods. elimination of all pesticides, chemicals, & gmos. organic agricultural protection & protection of privatized farming & agriculture. local, national, & global sustainability of organic farming.
  3.  preventive, natural medicine & institutions, privatized & public health care in equilibrium economically.
  4. the health & safety of individual countries. intelligent national & global organization  for epidemics & pandemics. international  “free pandemic health care” for all. international travel bans & international border closings should take place immediately. if nations are self sufficient with an abundance of goods & surplus items because of  natural economies globally, these nations would be able to protect & sustain their countries.
  5.  health organizations, should work with leaders & communities around the world for education on health, sanitation, & healthy living standards. this includes health officials working with cultural anthropologists from all walks of life to help educate & eliminate cultural traditions that may be  harmful to themselves & the world as a whole. if a cultural tradition is harmful to other cultures, or the world as a whole, that tradition must be replaced. an example would be a global ban on inhumane & unsanitary wildlife markets, (if bans are put in place, the issue of trading wild animals illegally becomes a problem, which would be more dangerous) or at least  healthier organization within wildlife market places globally, in a way that different species are very protected & separated from each other to eliminate the exposure of cross contamination of diseases between different species. also, a ban on certain wildlife that carries viral diseases, or a special separate market of such species, where scientists & biologists can analyze & regulate the health of the species from the special markets for trade & consumption. otherwise, someone comes in contact with a viral laden wildlife species, or eats the wrong cocktail of exotic fruit & bat, then half of the world’s population ends up dying. intelligent organization would be a balance between protecting the health & safety of wildlife & people, yet also preserving sacred traditions or access to food sources. the puzzle pieces are : protecting sacred traditions or access to sources of food, protecting wildlife from other wildlife, (wildlife species are meant to be separate in nature, not contained in close quarters with each other), protecting the health of people,  (the world health organization estimates that 61% of all human diseases are zoonotic in origin) & protecting wildlife in nature for the health & vitality of ecosystems. finding the equilibrium for these puzzle pieces to fit together harmoniously, not in a hazardous way, would be the way to an intelligent solution. if the virus escaped from a lab, that lab should be investigated, penalized, & shut down.

the importance of an intelligent global environmental protection agency. what might that entail?

  1. population control through global education & humane eugenics programs

2. eventually eliminate & replace all emf energy,  pollution, chemicals, & materials that are a hazard to wildlife & nature (a global ban on all environmental hazards)

3. restrictions & regulations on wildlife trapping & hunting. sustaining wildlife in nature protects eco systems & nature as a whole.

4 restrictions & regulations on natural resources & deforestation.